Friday, January 9, 2009

What a week.

What a week it has been on many fronts. Start of the year, very large moves, an avalanche of fundamental data and all kinds of headlines grabbing news. Most telling, perhaps, is the NFP report released few hour ago. The nation's unemployment rate bolted to 7.2 percent in December, the highest level in 16 years, as nervous employers slashed 524,000 jobs, capping one of the worst years in modern history for American workers. This is rather serious. On top of that, analysts expect January to be worse, because employers tend to wait with bad news until after the holiday season. Also, a lot of employees are forced into working less hours, or even jobs are converted into part time positions in in order to save costs.Currencies reacted sharply, with USD getting stronger. Euro lost about 300 pips, although Pound seemed to be holding ground. It is sliding now. And Yen is raising head again. It had been stealthily getting stronger for last few days and today this process accelerated. Which didn't work well for my daily GBP-JPY trades, however, there is nothing really to complain about.
What a week.

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